The Library Christmas Reward Workshops

This week in the library we have run Christmas Wand Making Workshops for year 7 and 8 students.

To be invited to the event year 7 students had to score 100% in three Accelerated Reader Quizzes and year 8 students had to complete excellent work in their Reading Journey Booklets.

The workshops were based on the Ollivanders wandmakers shop in the Harry Potter books.


Students could choose a wand (the Wand chooses the Wizard!) and then spent the time painting and aging the wands to make them look authentic.  They also got to complete an ownership certificate to go with their wand.

It was a great end to what has been a very interesting and trying year!  We are very proud of our readers and really look forward to more exciting events next term.  Don’t forget you can come after school  to Homeawork Zone to change your reading book.  You can also log into SORA to read free ebooks via Google Drive.


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